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#SeniSal Roundup: Nov 18-22, 2019

Please Spread the love, Sharing is Caring!

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#SeniSal Roundup: Nov 18-22, 2019


Seems like all of you are doing great, but should you need help with Promoting your Business, tomorrow or whenever, please do not hesitate to get in touch!

I would love to work with you and we can work together on any of the following!

  1. Interviews
  2. Guest Posts
  3. Monthly and Bi-monthly column spots
  4. Sharing, Inspiring, Promoting Bloggers: AKA SIPB
  5. And many more.

Please email me (find my contact form at the end of this post) as this is what I love doing!  I am ready to promote you and your blog.


#SeniSal Roundup Nov 18-22, 2019


Now I also need your help, please!

I love doing these weekly linkups and the round-up post every Friday, and providing you with a backlink to your post but need some help from your end as well.

Now here is where you come in!

Lady asking for help


Please, help me with promoting #SeniSal.  I am unable to do this alone, so please dear blogging friends, promote #SeniSal on your own blogs and social media.  The weekly post is very rarely shared, and I respectfully ask that each of you share it weekly, when you pop in to share your post links. 

I also respectfully ask for each link you share, to get one of your own followers to come and join us, i.e. you share 2 links, so please ask at least 2 new friends to come and participate.

The more eyes we get on these linkups, the more links we will have on a regular basis, and the more eyes you will have on your own blog and posts.  Thank you in advance for your help.  I know I can count on each of you.

Another way to show your support and that you’re a proud #SeniSal member share the below image on your blog together with a link back to SeniorSalon.

#SeniSal Weekly Linkup Badge Looking to get more visitors to your Blog?


Top 3 winners #SeniSal Roundup: Nov 18-22, 2019

  1. You Can’t Unscramble an Egg :|: Laurie
  2. So You Want To Be A Writer… Now What? :|: Crystal 
  3. Plum Sauce Chicken :|: Eva


SeniSal Roundup Nov 18-22, 2019 Winners

Need more interaction?  Come and join us on Facebook at

Sharing, Inspiring, Promoting Bloggers group for even more interaction on a day to day basis with fellow bloggers. Come join us and let the fun begin!

SIPB Community Member Logo

We all get more exposure for our posts, meet more friends, get to know some awesome new bloggers and yes, I have said before, this is all free to you and my thank you for visiting, following, subscribing and sharing your hard work here at EsmeSalon #SeniSal.

If you have not subscribed as yet, it will be much appreciated and then you will never miss the one and only weekly newsletter which alerts you of the opening of the weekly linkup.


and the rest of our entries for #SeniSal Roundup: Nov 18-22, 2019

  1. Turkey and Dressing for Two – AND Classic Bread Stuffing
  2. Looking to get more visitors to your Blog?
  3. Conversations with Colleen
  4. Looking To Get More Visitors To Your Blog? Join Me At My Weekly Linkup Party A Guest Post By EsmeSalon
  5. Agawa Canyon: From Rail to Trail
  6. Thai Chicken Meatballs With Tomato Coconut Sauce
  7. What I Learned from Bare Trees
  8. Party Wear over 70
  9. 6 Books for Friends-in-Training
  10. Creative style personality?
  11. Hiking the Attikamek Trail
  12. How I embrace sag resistance in my 50s
  13. Plant Stand Side Table Upcycle
  14. What Will You Bring to Worship? – Sunday Scripture 
  15. 2 Dollar Modern Nutcracker 
  16. Stocking up with Christmas Cheer
  17. Decorating for Christmas with What You Have
  18. Wishing Jar Guest Book Idea  
  19. Time-Saving Hacks For The Holiday Season 
  20. How to be a Productive Slacktivist 
  21. Decorating for Christmas with What You Have 
  22. Nazare Portugal, a seaside town
  23. Peri Peri Chicken Wraps (Piri Piri) 
  24. J R R Tolkein’s Hobbit Home For Sale 
  25. November Poetry 
  26. Mistletoe and Wine, Christmas Cheer 
  27. Whimsical Wednesday…with Carol 
  28. Ritz Cracker Chicken And Spaghetti Marinara 
  29. Spicy Mango Salsa 
  30. Parmesan French Toast 
  31. FFC – Yellow 
  32. Black ‘n White: K and L
  33. Eldership With Benefits
  34. Dinner Unfiltered 
  35. Creamy Chicken And Bacon Pasta 
  36. Expert advice to sleep well every night 




Please remember to visit and read your fellow #SeniSal blogger posts. We are all here so let’s help one another, and also remember to take the time and really READ as many blog posts as possible and leave them a meaningful comment and also mention that you found their post at #SeniSal. Please, DON’T just drop your links without reading, commenting and following others! The more people you help, the more help you’ll receive as well!

Remember to interact with at least 3 other posts so everyone has a chance to be front and center.

Bounce Rate is the percentage of visitors that abandon your site after viewing only 1 page. In order for us to help one another, we need to click on at least 2 pages, but give me a good reason, why can you not do more?  Click-though will help and decrease the Bounce rate and in so doing improve the Alexa rank & SEO. If you view only 1 page you are harming your fellow bloggers’ rank.

I have been told that you need to stay at least 3 minutes in total (just leave the pages open while opening more pages, as you don’t have to stare at the page) on every blog. Also, you need to open the pages & let them load (do not just click “open in a new tab: without opening the page).

I am not sure how you can read a full post in less than 3 minutes, so it should not pose a problem!   Is that correct?????

The Next Linkup will start on a Monday at 02:00 am and will end the Friday at 8:00 pm PDT (Pacific Daylight Time).

***When participating, you automatically provide your permission that I/or any other participant can share your link/s left here at Senior Salon on any social media outlets to showcase your post/s. 

Let’s be a happy, sharing and inspiring group of bloggers, so please visit your fellow silver bloggers, read their posts, leave them a word of encouragement, and then share on your social media or tweet the posts.

I look forward to each and every link left, and thank you in advance.

When I tweet your post I will add

so feel free to use any of these tags as well.

For more information, read all about the SeniorSalon


Contact Form

  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog.

8 thoughts on “#SeniSal Roundup: Nov 18-22, 2019”

  1. I think I accidentally used contact form for my comment.
    I just wanted to say you did very well last week Esme and I also wanted to wish you and everyone else a Very Happy Thanksgiving.


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