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Making your blog great when you are a learner

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How to Making your blog great when you are a learner


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There is a lot to learn when you start a blog.  The aim of making your blog great when you are a learner takes quite a bit of time and a big learning curve. Don’t let this turn you off. A blog is a work of art, informative and helpful to many people. Remember it helps people from where “you sit”.

The learning curve is particularly if you haven’t looked at having a blog before.  Don’t get overwhelmed. Pace it out step by step. Making contact with other bloggers is the first and foremost clue. Ask lots of questions and remember there is no such thing as a dumb question.  I highly recommend a Free blogging course by which is both easy to read and understand. This to set you on the trail of blog learning and start to have questions so as to research for anything you don’t have answers for.

There is one thing I have read and found with lots of bloggers that choose their niche. What often seems to occur is that later on, they start to feel they are getting stale or wish to change and include other topics. Do consider making your niche broad or consider having a lifestyle blog so you can broaden your topics a little. These can be – Fashion, Cooking, Travel, Income, Where you live and what you do are just some that can be included under lifestyle.

Choosing a blog name and hosting you will hear again and again online is the way to go. We are told otherwise means you don’t have the access to plugins – free or paid. You own all the data and can do what you wish. Check out more details here

You will want to decide on a blog name (I chose my own name ). Have your hosting with your domain name chosen. I chose to have it done by Stablehost. Sometimes you can have recommendations – but you may not be sure and sometimes it is word of mouth about what is good both in service and reaction time. So far they have been fast in response, very understanding of a learner blogger and have given great detail when needed. But do look around and see what others are saying about other web hosts as well.

If you pop yourself into a blogging group (there are many) you can ask for suggestions where a name is concerned if you have it narrowed down. How to narrow it down? First brainstorm at least 30 to 40 names – don’t put any limitations on this part of your brain working. Bring the analytic side on later. Be cautious in choosing a name since you will be stuck with it unless you change it over later (which is quite a bit of hard work and/or money). Choosing the right name can really make your blog stand out and be remembered.


What does that mean? GDPR is nothing to be alarmed about just to be prepared for. GDPR is necessary for bloggers to have to show that they take proper care in the privacy of people’s data. Check out more details here. Once you get the feel of what you have to do and have it in the bag – it’s not so difficult after all.

Choosing a Web Designer if you wish

You may find it difficult to get around all the new things you have to learn and also have all the things needed at the same time. Instead of doing things yourself you may consider a web designer. Look out for recommendations. They are often worth their weight in gold. Too often I hear of newbie bloggers choosing someone because the price was right or this was the first person that came along.

Think of becoming educated at least a bit before taking the “blogging” plunge. I chose Entrepreneur Virtual partners and was so happy with how it came together and also the after sales service.

A final word on a Great Blog

A blog is what you make it. Sure there are some technical things that you will have to wade through. Don’t give up at the first sign of something that might not appear straightforward. Be pro-active and positive. They count for a lot.

Share with the world what you are passionate and motivated about. Give of your knowledge and understanding. Have a buddy if possible who is already into their own blog. Ask questions and get a feel for how it is. A free blog trial may be an option you want to try. This can possibly help you see if you are a good fit for blogging. It is a regular past-time and Google likes bloggers who are regular with their posts.

I have only given you a little here – but hope this and the links included can help you on your way.

Until later!


  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog. You will also find Resources and Courses and Services for Bloggers which I promote from time to time.

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