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#128 Senior Salon

Please Spread the love, Sharing is Caring!

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Please note that EsmeSalon may have a financial relationship with some of the vendors we mention in this post which means we may get compensated financially or in kind, at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase through any link in this post. Please refer to our Affiliate Disclosure and Privacy Policy should you require any additional information.

Are you ready,  for the new week of #128 Senior Salon?  September 7 – September 12, 2020, 2:00 pm PST


“SHE believed she could, so she DID.”


R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder


Are you ready, for the new week of #127 Senior Salon?

Sept 7-12, 2020, 2:00 pm PST


She believed she could, and so she did!  

Have you ever had one of those days, when you wake up in the morning, you feel ‘blah’ and nothing you do seems to work out as you think it should, and it continues and stays with you despite what you try to do?  Yes, we have all been there and went through that and I am sure it does happen from time to time, maybe more often than we would like.

BUT, you can change that!!

Inside you, there is a force and strength stronger than you think you have, and it will carry you through every circumstance despite what comes over your path. 

Cut the chains, brake free from those ‘blah’ chains, remove and sidestep those thoughts that went before, grab the day (bull) by the horns and do your best to solve the problem without any further delay. 

SHE believed she could, and so she DID!  


#128 Senior Salon 

Thanks for your loyal support.  Please may we respectfully ask each and every participant that you keep sharing, and promoting Senior Salon on your own blog?  We do require and need your help to keep #SeniSal growing and the only way we can grow, would be for you to share your links, but also to tell your own followers to come and participate.

We have two banners you can choose from to promote Senior Salon.   Thank you for being part of this weekly feature.  

Thanks, that we can count on your support ♥.


When you are being featured as a WINNER in our Weekly Roundup post, please share our #Senisal Featured Winner Banner on your blog or your post 


#127 Senior Salon

Congratulations to the top 10 winners: #SeniSal Roundup: Aug 24-29, 2020 We encourage you all to share the Featured Winner logo on your blog or post.  You will find the code below.


  1. 2 DIY Fall Leaf Decorations
  2. Oven CRISPY CREOLE CHICKEN Wings & Thighs 
  3. Chateau du Breuil en Auge – A Taste of Normandy
  4. DIY: Knit Gilt Lace Cardigan 
  5. Garden Salsa with Fresh Tomatoes
  6. Summer Week 10: I Did It Again
  7. How A Journey Of A Million Miles Showed Me The Value Of Home 
  9. End-of-August Reflections
  10. The Bristol bus boycott


Just copy and paste the entire section below and paste to your blog post while in “Text” format – not Visual

<div align="center">
<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" title="Esme Salon" target="_blank">
<img src="" alt="Sensal Banner Featured Winner" style="border: none;" />








Please share our #Senisal Banner on your blog or your post

#Senisal Weekly Banner

Just copy and paste the entire section below and paste to your blog post while in “Text” format – not Visual

<div align="center">
<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" title="Esme Salon" target="_blank">
<img src="" alt="Sensal Banner" style="border: none;" />


TOP 10 Senisal POSTS 

Please revisit last week’s Senior Salon as we received some great and wonderful posts.  The fact that the entries closed, does not mean that you are unable to visit and read, comment, and share those posts.

We continue to ask for your support and help to share our weekly post throughout the week when you come to share your post via Inlinkz.  If you do not share and help #SeniSal will not be able to survive.  This is as much for you all as it’s for your hosts and we really ask for your weekly support in sharing the Monday post on your social media and add the #Senisal Banner to the post that you share and the Winner Banner when you made the TOP 10 list.

By sharing the TOP 10, I hope this will encourage you to make a conscious effort to get your post also listed in the TOP 10 MOST POPULAR LIST.  Instead of having the top 10 most popular songs, we now feature the TOP 10 MOST POPULAR POSTS.


The doors to #127 Senior Salon OPENED, 
please share this POST on your SM
and share your own blog link!

August 24 to Aug 29, 2020, 2:00 pm PST


Your #Senisal Hosts

Kim Davis Berry

Kim Davis Berry

Where will you be able to connect with Kim?
Twitter / Pinterest / InstagramYouTube / Facebook Group

Kim is Loyal, Quick-witted, Slightly irreverent, Wife, Mother of 2 (and their sweet husbands), Extreme 2nd-grade teacher, Fur mamma to 3 boy cats, Lover of all things creative like making glitter tumblers, rubber stamping, Cricut, resin art, cooking, and gardening.   I’m a fierce foodie AND…currently loving to LASER using the mother of all crafting tools… the Glowforge Laser!!!!


Esme Slabs

Kim and Esme will appreciate it should you subscribe to our Blogs.
If you subscribe to EsmeSalon you will receive the w
eekly Newsletter!


Esmé Slabs

Where will you be able to connect with Esme?
Facebook Sharing, Inspiring, Promoting Bloggers / Facebook Group deleted – join Sharing, Inspiring, Promoting Bloggers: More Visitors & Community Support( / Facebook The Recipe Hunter /  Facebook Share Care & Inspire / Instagram / Pinterest / Twitter EsmeSalon / Twitter SundayMeetGreet / FlipboardMix

Esmé is Mom of a grown daughter and son, now already married to wonderful spouses and they have 2 kids each. She is the proud Grandma to 4 grandkids, two on each side, and a pigeon pair each.  She is the wife and partner to her husband for 40+ years and still blessed to be able to be in such a loving relationship.  Her love of cooking and baking can be seen here on the blog as well as her eagerness to share and promote her fellow bloggers across all Social Media.


Kim and Esme will appreciate it should you subscribe to our Blogs.
If you subscribe to EsmeSalon you will receive the w
eekly Newsletter!


Please help us to showcase your posts!  Share our #Senisal linkup with your friends!


Remember to leave a maximum of TWO post links.


If you have not as yet, please join us at Sharing, Inspiring, Promoting Bloggers Facebook group.  This is another fun place to get more eyes on your blog and social media and meet new friends.


Why wait another moment, please walk through the Open Salon doors
and share a maximum of 2 (TWO) posts for all to enjoy and promote.

Please remember to invite, invite, yes please invite your own
followers to also come an participate.


This is our thank you for visiting, reading, and commenting
and share a maximum of 2!


Now please share your posts and DO NOT Forget to leave us a note
as to how we can work with you to showcase your blogging journey!


We have walked our paths for a long time and have a lot to offer. Come and reveal your artistic vision. Please showcase your posts via the Blue “Add your link” button.


CONCLUSION to #128 Senior Salon


The Favorite Courses and Services for Bloggers Post as well as the page Favorite Courses and Services for Bloggers Page are ready for you!  I hope that you will find this a useful page to visit now and in the future. 

If you have any other favorite courses or services you wish to promote, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me and let me know, then I can add them to this list.  Thanks in advance.




Have you snagged your 2021 Blogging Calendar Only $7 USD as yet!  

You may think it’s way too early to start thinking about 2021, but before you know we will be there and the year will be something of the past.  



Please do not forget to pin me, and also please spread the word! 📌

Family-friendly posts, please.

  • Link directly to the post, not your homepage.
  • Following your hosts will be much appreciated.
  • Visit other participants, read what they created, and leave a meaningful comment and please share


You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog.

2 thoughts on “#128 Senior Salon”

    • Anita, It’s my pleasure to do it. Hope you will gain some followers and get to learn new bloggers. Please share this on your blog and promote it for us. Thank you in advance


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