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The Sunshine Blogger Award

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The Sunshine Blogger Award is an award given by bloggers to other bloggers to award our peers. Each blogger nominated for the award is asked to nominate 11 other bloggers that they admire or are inspired by. It’s an honor to be recognized, and a wonderful opportunity to encourage others to keep doing what they love.

I was nominated by not only one but two of my wonderful blogging buddies!

Thank you so very much, Marian, from Just Muddling Through Life as well as Pamela from There Is Always Hope for the honor of thinking of me and nominating me for The Sunshine Blogger Award!


Rules for the Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and then provide a link back to their blog.
  2. List the Sunshine Blogger Award Rules and display the logo on your site.
  3. Answer the Sunshine Blogger Award questions given by the person who nominated you.
  4. Nominate 10 other bloggers and ask them 10 new questions.
  5. Notify the nominees of their nomination.



As I have been nominated by two or my friends, I will answer questions from both of them, in no particular order, but will stick with the 10 questions.  Phew, that’s a lot to answer!


[click_to_tweet tweet=”Thank you so very much, Marian, from Just Muddling Through Life as well as Pamela from There Is Always Hope for the honor of thinking of me and nominating me for The Sunshine Blogger Award!” quote=”Thank you so very much, Marian, from Just Muddling Through Life as well as Pamela from There Is Always Hope for the honor of thinking of me and nominating me for The Sunshine Blogger Award!” theme=”style6″]


What are your hobbies other than blogging?

Not sure one can call it a hobby, but other than blogging, I love to spend time with my family and friends.


What do you do to help you relax?

Chillax?  Well, I love to be outdoors, so going out in nature, wandering around, exploring and enjoying the gift of nature, the beauty around us and “smelling the roses”.

Smelling the roses


What is your favorite food?

As a foodie, I had no choice, but to answer this question!  In fact, this is an impossible question to answer honestly, as I love all food, which has been well prepared, home-made tried and tested.  Should you wish to explore, feel free to browse my blog for lots and lots of recipes.


How long have you been blogging for?

I started blogging in October 2015, although at that point more of a record-keeping of my own homemade recipes and in March 2015 I started with The Recipe Hunter Facebook Group and now share recipes from fellow members around the world.


What is your favorite holiday destination?

If I have to choose only ONE, I have to say the Serengeti, which we visited in May 2012.  It is located in northern Tanzania and which is derived from the Maasai language and means “endless plains.”

Serengeti Plains


Marmite, do you love it or hate it?

I ♥ Marmite, although I am aware it’s not everyone’s favorite.


Would you rather go forward or back in time and why?

The past is defined by events that already happened, and I am unable to change what has happened in the past, so why dwell on it.  I’m looking forward to the future and feeling grateful for the past.


What was your favorite class in High School and why?

I grew up loving to bake and cook as I watched my Mom so lovingly prepare meal after meal for the family and all our friends, so I loved Home-economics taught at school.  This is where my love for cooking, etc. stems from.


How much time do you spend blogging per week?

Well, that’s a loaded question.  As I still have a full-time day-job, with extremely long hours in the office, I do not have all the hours I would love to spend on my blog per week, as I am just too pooped and exhausted by the time I get home, had dinner/supper and many evening only get to the computer around 8 pm.  As I already get up for work around 5:30 am that does make for an extremely long day.  Having said all that, I try to do at least 1-2 hours per day, and more hours over the weekend, depending on family and social events.  Bottom line, I have never sat down and penned it out, but at a thumb suck, I would guess it would be around 20+ hours a week.  That does include scheduling and running 2 FaceBook groups, and my Blog Facebook page as well as other SM.


You’ve been given a genie lamp – what three wishes are you asking the genie to grant?

  1. Cancer cure
  2. Agape love.  It is selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love. It is the highest of the four types of love in the Bible.
  3. To live life selflessly in the service of others.




  1. Lutheran Liar
  2. You Can Always Start Now
  3. Bree Dixon
  4. Carolina Russo
  5. Gemma Orton
  6. John Rieber
  7. Claire Saul
  8. Cindy Lauderdale Moore
  9. Ashley
  10. Debbie Harris



Questions to be answered by Nominees of The Sunshine Bloggers Award

  1. What is your last thought before going to bed?
  2. What is the meaning behind your blog name?
  3. If you were given a plane ticket to visit any place in the world, where would you go?
  4. What makes you angry?
  5. What is the principle/s that you live by?
  6. Which do you choose; coffee or tea?
  7. What is your biggest wish you want to be fulfilled this year?
  8. Have you tried to control your laugh in a serious moment? If yes when?
  9. Do you consider yourself an optimist?
  10. What is your favorite season and why?



You are under no obligation to accept, although my wish and hope are that the nomination will mean something to you, and I will sincerely appreciate it if you do accept the nomination.
This is my way to say that I care about each of you and I wish to give credit where credit is due, as you are exceptional bloggers and deserve The Sunshine Blogger Award!

  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog.

22 thoughts on “The Sunshine Blogger Award”

  1. Thank you so much Esme for nominating me! I appreciate it very much as now my Blog is Award free but I accept the nomination and I will link your post to my Awards Page! <3

  2. You are very welcome for the nomination. Blogs involve so much work and so much commitment. You are certainly very commitment. Interesting answers and a very full day and a full week.

    Thankyou for the support you give all of us with your sharing groups! All very much appreciated!

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