4 Awards – I am still on cloud nine and so happy for receiving 4 *four* awards
Off the bat, I want to apologize to all my fellow bloggers for taking this long to respond! As you all know by now, I went self-hosted and it took a bit longer than anticipated due to unforeseen issues, but now that I am up and running (still minor tweaks to do), I thought it prudent to do this post.
A HUGE big and heartfelt to my dear fellow bloggers Jannat ; Crystal ; Dear Kitty and again Crystal for thinking of me and nominating EsmeSalon for the various awards.
- JANNAT007 nominated my blog for THE MYSTERY BLOGGER AWARD
- Crystal And Daisy Mae nominated my blog for the Mysterious Blogger Award
- Dear Kitty. Some blog nominated my blog for the Liebster Award
- Crystal And Daisy Mae nominated my blog for the Book Blogger Test Tag
When receiving a nomination for an award from my fellow blogging friends, I regard it as an honor and I am unable to thank them enough for their kindness and thoughtfulness bestowed on my blog when they come to the point to list their nominees. Once again dear fellow bloggers, thank you from the bottom of my for these awards!! Each of you that took the time to read my blog, I thank you and want to let you know that I value your blogging friends and that all of you have an awesome blog, that’s why we’re blogging buddies.
Now, fellow bloggers, take that well-deserved cuppa ☕ coffee/tea or any beverage of choice, sit back and enjoy these fantastic blogs. Make yourself comfortable as you will need some time to peruse each blog.
Being nominated for 4 awards, I randomly selected 4 rules and one question from each of the 4 blogs that nominated me
Thank the person who nominated you and then add a link to their blog.
Answer the questions.
Nominate at least 4 fellow bloggers.
Let your Nominees know you nominated them.
- What is your last thought before going to bed?
Thanking my Heavenly Father for another day, my health, husband and children and 4 wonderful grandchildren. - What is the meaning behind your blog name?
I just recently went self-hosted. My original blog “The Recipe Hunter”, as the name indicates was mainly home-made tried and tested recipes. As time evolved, I started to branch out in other areas, as I felt the need for more than just recipes. I then added- Guest Posts
- Interviews with fellow bloggers
- Senior Salon
- Carol Cook’s column
- This is – Love doing “Life” business
so I have decided to rebrand and thus EsmeSalon was born.
- Why did you start a blog?
Please read my response via Who, What, Where and Why - Book confessions and biggest reading secret
I only read online, it’s very seldom that I read a paper book. It’s so convenient as I am able to download a book (for free) direct from my own home library and return once done, and no need to be bogged down by tons of paper books taking up shelving space, which I do not have.
Questions to my Nominees
- What would you name your boat if you had one?
- What will finally break the internet?
- Which fictional character would be the most boring to meet in real life?
- What is the dumbest way you’ve been injured?
- Would you enjoy a vacation away from all of your technology?

Drumroll, my Nominees
- Lizzie from The Pennywise Pantry
- Lise from A safe space for curious minds
- Amelia from A Winter Escape
- Charlene from Chronically Hopeful
You are under no obligation to accept, although my wish and hope are that the nomination will mean something to you, and I will sincerely appreciate it if you do accept the nomination. Please feel free to do a post on one or all 4 awards, you decide.
This is my way to say that I care about each of you and I wish to give credit where credit is due, as you are exceptional bloggers!
Aww.😚 that’s so sweet.💖 Thank you so much.! You’re too kind. All the best for your future ventures.!!! 🌷🌷🌷
Congrats on all your new well-deserved awards Esme <3
Thanks my friend, Much appreciated
Woohoo! 4 well-deserved awards indeed! 🙂
Thanks so much for the visit and compliment Moona. Hope to see you here more in future
Congratulations! I was always so bad about responding to awards that I finally decided not to go for them any more. But I’m thrilled to see you get the recognition you deserve. I’m not sure if it is anything to do with your new site but I’m no longer receiving any WordPress notifications for your new posts. I’ve checked my settings and they look ok. Weird, huh? I’ll keep finding you one way or another!
Clive, at the bottom of the post you will find a link where you can click to say you wish to receive emails of new posts. Maybe with the transfer, you did not come with depending on how you signed up for the old blog, so maybe you need to sign up again. So for the inconvenience.
I commented so make sure it doesn’t go to SPAM/Junk Folder please
Perfect, all good and thanks again my friend
Congrats on your well deserved awards. No problem about posting so late.
Thank you so much Crystal – I received your comment and it did not go to SPAM! BTW. I will get back to you on your Guest Post offer soon.
Thank you for the nomination, Esme! Sadly awards don’t fit in with the theme of my blog but I’ll still answer your questions here 🙂
What would you name your boat if you had one? – I would name it the Rose Maiden, it was what my late grandfather named his boat.
What will finally break the internet? – Probably human stupidity, we seem to be good at expressing that and at one point it will be too much.
Which fictional character would be the most boring to meet in real life? – Good question, I can only think of ones I’d be excited to meet so I’m not quite sure.
What is the dumbest way you’ve been injured? – I fell down the stairs because I was distracted by one of my cats.
Would you enjoy a vacation away from all of your technology? – I would love that. I’ve been trying to disconnect more and more lately and it feels so nice.
Thanks for responding and I love your answers. Take care my friend
Well done 🙂
Thanka so much
Congratulations, Esme and thank you so much for the nomination. I am honoured that you thought of me and my blog. I love your questions, they’ll be fun to answer!
Well deserved Char, hope you will have fun doing a post when you can.