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Brilliant Lessons and Strategies #155 Senior Salon

Please Spread the love, Sharing is Caring!

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Brilliant Lessons and Strategies #155 Senior Salon. Today we share some awesome brilliant tips and strategies to implement

This week’s Brilliant Lessons and Strategies #155 Senior Salon is LIVE,
and we want to promote your posts!

DO NOT WASTE ANOTHER MOMENT, come and join us weekly
here for awesome friendship, great posts, and engagement.


Let’s be a Sharing, Inspiring, Promoting Bloggers community, so come and join and share your stories with us here at EsmeSalon.

Your #Senisal Co-host

Kim Berry
Kim Davis

Kim Davis Berry

Where will you be able to connect with Kim?
Twitter  Pinterest  Instagram   YouTube  Facebook Group

Secondly, Brilliant Lessons and Strategies #155 Senior Salon

TOP 10 Senisal POSTS for the week of March 15-20, 2021.

I have decided going forward, and with immediate effect, to spotlight our top three Posts!

Thank you for checking out my post: Leftover Turkey Breast Pot Pie in Instant Pot

You’re awesome, another week has gone by, and we have managed to get more links than last week!  We received 35 posts shared here at #SeniSal.   Keep it up, this is fantastic to see more and more connections made and posts week by week.

In order to keep growing, please continue to share the linkup with your fellow bloggers and ask them to come and participate and also showcase our logo on your blog. 

The Senior Salon, where Silver is Gold
Senior Salon Logo

That way others will see that you’re a loyal participant and then they will come and investigate and join us.  The more the merrier, so thanks for your support!


Please copy and paste the entire section below and paste to your blog post while in Text” format – not Visual

<div align=”center”>
<a href=”” rel=”nofollow noopener” title=”Esme Salon” target=”_blank”>
<img src=”×300.jpg” alt=”Sensal Banner” style=”border: none;” />

Please let us grow this event so keep up the good work, and share your own posts (2 max per blogger) and also remember to interact with other members by means of reading, clicking through to other posts on the blogs, and then sharing the posts via Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or if you’re on Facebook you can share it on your own page as well. 

Please may we respectfully ask from each and every participant that you keep sharing (Weekly the linkup post), and promoting Senior Salon on your own blog? 

We do require and need your help to keep #SeniSal growing, and the only way we can grow, would be for you to share your links, but also to tell your own followers to come and participate.

Thanks, that we can count on your support

Come in, we have opened the doors this week, so join us at Brilliant Lessons and Strategies #155 Senior Salon

lease share this POST on your SM and share your own blog link/s!   
We count on your support to share, as it’s the only way we can get others to come and join us.

March 22-27, 2021

Kim and Esme will appreciate it should you subscribe to our Blogs. If you subscribe to EsmeSalon you will receive the weekly  #SeniSal Newsletter!

You can also subscribe to EsmeSalon Recipes and in doing so you can immediately download some recipe ideas and freebies to use at home.

Please help us to showcase your posts! 

Are you Checking out #155 Senior Salon and what we have in store for you this week and then do not forget to read, comment, and link up with your friends!

Your weekly Tips from #SeniSal

I thought to share a couple of quick Instagram engagement tips that I received from a fellow blogger in her newsletter:

Instagram Tips

👉 1) When you post a new image, go BACK to the image you posted BEFORE that one, and reply to all the comments it received. Anyone who had commented on that previous post will get a notification and will be more likely to go back to your profile, see that you now have a NEWER post, and leave some engagement on that one now too.

👉 2) When you post a new image, click on the hashtags you used, then comment on the most recent posts that come up for that hashtag. It’s likely that people who just posted their image within the last hour using the same hashtag will still be online, see your comment, visit your profile and leave a comment on your related post in return

👉 3) I’m all about borrowing other people’s audiences. Go to the profile of ‘big’ people in your niche, read through the comments that other people leave on their posts, and reply to those comments with your own valuable input to answer their question (related to the things you sell/teach/help people with). This free exposure works really well. A lot of the time, the ‘big’ person who owns that account doesn’t have time to answer comments/questions on their posts, so this is your opportunity to help their audience, and benefit your own business.

What does Niche Down your Blog mean?

Niching down means having a clearly defined audience and target reader, so you know the content you produce will solve a specific problem. 

Looking for any help and insight and the how to do and know that you will not waste your money? Well, then this will be the most perfect course for you to enroll in as Tracie will guide you through

and you will be able to hit the road running thereafter.

More Pinterest

The State of Pinterest for Bloggers as per Adventures in Blogging and which I received via an email from Lena Gott.  I am sharing with you some information as I feel this is very relevant.

Click on the above link and check it out.


Some very interesting information and update:

I used Tailwind (Free Trial) approximately (I am guessing) 2 years ago, and just never went ahead to go for the paid plan.

Well, now with all the drastic changes to Pinterest and so much being said for and again Pinterest and scheduling through Tailwind, I decided to check in with Tailwind and see what’s up as I wanted to get information directly from them.

I copy and paste my direct conversation via chat to Tailwind:


My main concern is that from what I gather from Pinterest that they are not keen on TW and do not regard pins from TW as fresh pins. Is this true? How come they still endorse TW and then do not regard pins from TW as fresh pins?


Quite the opposite actually! I can for sure say that we have confirmed from our Partner team at Pinterest, that Pins published through Tailwind or any other official Pinterest partner are not distributed differently than those published natively. There has been a lot of confusion on what Pinterest considered “fresh” pins, but whether or not it comes from our system is not a factor in this. It has a lot to do with having claimed domains and whether or not you’re using our system to re-pin.


Pinterest doesn’t like scheduling with Tailwind anymore because they want you to pin fresh pins – via the + add a pin in the app. They do not view tailwind pins as original content anymore.

Can you categorically confirm this to be incorrect as per your previous statement?


I will triple-check with my supervisor just to make sure, but this was a recent check we did with Pinterest (within the last two months)!

Tailwind Follow-up to the above comment

I can confirm that as long as your pin is considered fresh under Pinterest standards, they will be considered fresh from us! As I mentioned previously, there has been a lot of confusion on what Pinterest considered “fresh” pins, but whether or not it comes from our system is not a factor in this. There are a lot of different variables and workflows that might cause some confusion between systems, so we just need to make sure things go smoothly!

Well, after some forward and backward discussions through Tailwind Chat, they granted me another Free trial (100 pins), as they obviously hope that I will end up going for the paid plan.

Tailwind provided me with the below link, so please take a moment to read and familiarize yourself, and then you can decide how you wish to proceed.

As I now have a FREE trial with 100 pins to work with, I will use it and report back my findings.

Brilliant Lessons and Strategies #155 Senior Salon

Please we do need your support and continue to grow with every linkup. I am sure this can be done and we can create an awesome and welcome environment for all bloggers to Share – Care – Inspire 

Blog Directory

MK Blog Directory
Are you a blogger?! Join now for free.

I am listed in MK Blog Directory for a while and it’s very helpful to get more eyeballs directed to my blog.

Above you will find the list of directories at present on MK Blog Directory

Come fellow #SeniSal members, this is a total win-win situation, you have nothing to lose, you can only gain by reading, commenting, and sharing your and other posts here at Brilliant Lessons and Strategies #155 Senior Salon. 

**PS: Hey, do not forget to share your 2 links at the Brilliant Lessons and Strategies #155 Senior Salon. 

***PSS: Do not miss out on

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog. You will also find Resources and Courses and Services for Bloggers which I promote from time to time.

12 thoughts on “Brilliant Lessons and Strategies #155 Senior Salon”

    • Hi Aletha, I am so happy to hear that some of the tips may be helpful. Please let me know if you need help with anything else and I will see what I can find to add as tips in the upcoming #Senisal posts.

  1. Hi Esme, put in 2 links and checked out some blogs.
    Thanks and have a good day and week
    I may not be on Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook etc… it helps to put my blog links here so thanks.

    • Hi Terri, Thank you for your kind word regarding the strategies. I am so glad to have you as part of #Senisal and happy that you’re also raking in the top 10 list. Please continue to read, comment on others and share the word of this linkup with others and on your own social media. Thanks so much


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