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Overnight Refrigerator Rise Bread Dough

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Overnight refrigerator-rise bread Dough to prepare Cinnamon Rolls and your own Pizza Bases

Here on the hill, we are a breakfast-loving family. Back in the days of six Morins around the table on a school day, I scrambled 22 eggs and piled strawberry freezer jam high on the toast. We took our oatmeal with brown sugar, and any leftover blueberry muffins were fair game for mid-morning snacks.

Weekend mornings left time for special treats like homemade molasses donuts, but cinnamon rolls were always a hassle—yeast takes its own sweet time and won’t be hurried. However, a few years ago, I stumbled upon a recipe for an overnight-rising dough that I can fully prepare in the evening including all the rolling pin, flour, and sticky cinnamon filling steps. The cinnamon rolls rise slowly on a pan in the refrigerator all night and are ready to go into a hot oven in the morning.
The very same recipe makes a lovely crust for breakfast pizzas as well—always a favorite here for the morning after a sleepover!

Overnight Refrigerator Rise Bread Dough


The dough:

  1. 2 tablespoons yeast
  2. 2 cups warm water
  3. ½ cup of sugar
  4. ½ cup oil
  5. 1 egg, beaten
  6. 1 ½ teaspoon salt
  7. 5 ½ – 6 cups white flour

The filling for cinnamon rolls:       

  1.  6 teaspoons cinnamon
  2. 1 cup of sugar
  3. 12 tablespoons softened butter

The glaze:

  1. 1 cup powdered sugar
  2. 2 tablespoons milk
  3. 1 teaspoon vanilla

Method for Cinnamon Rolls

  • To make the dough, dissolve yeast in water, add remaining ingredients, and mix until soft dough forms, adding the last cup of flour slowly at the end to make sure the dough is not dry. Knead well.
  • For cinnamon rolls, roll dough into a large rectangle and spread with mixed filling ingredients.
  • Roll it up from the long side, and slice it with dental floss into even pieces.
  • Place slices on a well-greased cookie sheet, cover, and let rise overnight in the refrigerator.
  • In the morning, remove from the fridge and set at room temperature for 15 minutes.
  • Bake at 350 degrees (F) for about 18 minutes until nicely brown.
  • Remove from pan while still hot, and place on a large platter.
  • After they have cooled a bit, apply the glaze.

Method for Breakfast Pizza

Overnight Refrigerator Rise Bread Dough - Pizza Base
  • Spread dough onto two well-greased medium-sized round pans.
  • Beat one egg for each crust (one at a time) and spread over the dough (as you would spread pizza sauce).
  • Add desired quantities of ham, cooked bacon, or cooked sausage and cover with a generous amount of mozzarella or cheddar cheese (or a mixture of both).
  • Cover, and let rise overnight in the refrigerator.
  • In the morning, remove from the fridge and set at room temperature for 15 minutes.
  • Bake at 350 degrees (F) for about 18 minutes until nicely brown.

The Molasses Donut recipe comes from my Canadian grandmother

When I received this post from Michelle, she added all the images, and when I started to put together her Guest Post, I saw the below image and questioned her as it did not fit into the rest of the post, so I emailed her back to find out what I am missing.

Michelle’s response: You’re so funny! And then she graciously shared this recipe with us as well.  How lucky can one get, now we have another of her awesome recipes.  Thank you, Michelle.


1 cup of sugar
2 tablespoons melted butter
2 eggs
1/2 cup molasses
2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons vanilla
4-5 cups flour, enough to make a manageable dough
Optional: additional sugar for dredging the fried donuts

Molasses Donut


Combine ingredients, adding flour a little at a time until dough is manageable, but not too dry or heavy.
Heat oil in an electric frying pan to approximately 350 degrees.
While the oil heats, roll the dough to 1/2 inch thickness and cut with a donut cutter.
Place donuts and holes in hot oil and cook until lightly browned.
Flip the donuts and cook the other side.
Remove from pan and place on a paper-towel-lined plate to drain.
Optional: Dredge with sugar

Good food prepared with love nourishes the body and feeds the soul.
Enjoy making memories around this delicious breakfast!

Prepared, tried, and tested Michelle Morin – Blogging Friend over at Living Our Days

Michelle Morin - Blogging Friend over at Living Our Days

Cinnamon Rolls and Pizza for all occasions.

Thanks for dropping in and checking out the recipes and what’s on offer.

If you try out this delightful recipe, please let me know, rate it, and tag me on Instagram at @_esmesalon. I’m excited to see your amazing recreations, and I can’t get enough of those mouthwatering photos!

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  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog.

27 thoughts on “Overnight Refrigerator Rise Bread Dough”

    • Hi Patsy – Thank you for visiting and your comments – If you ever feel you wish to do a guest post here, please feel free to get in touch and consider it a done deal. I love to showcase others on my blog.

  1. I admire your energy for the full breakfast every morning Michelle. But this is something I’d certainly look to do for weekend guests – have bookmarked the recipe. Thanks x

    • Hi Lisa – glad to meet you here. Thanks for popping in. Yes, I totally concur, and yes I still have to make time to try this out. Let me us know how it turned out for you.

      • Hi Michele, I also thought it would work, but as you know your recipe, I did not want to say so and then I mess it up. I have many times substitute the one for another. Thanks again for sharing, and I hope it will not be the last I receive from you.


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