Interview with Esmé of Esmesalon
Yes, I have been honored and featured via an Interview with Esmé of Esmesalon
And we Know that Kindness “Speaks”
Many of us have issues in life where we are brought under pressure. For the community, financial, health, future, relationship issues – all affect us and bring out the best or worst in us. So where does that leave us when we are left out in the “cold” so to speak? We don’t know how to live up to our conscious in what kindness we “should” speak but sometimes don’t. WE can find times where we spit out venom and hate when we feel it is warranted. I am shocked sometimes myself when I might be full-on when it comes to someone who abuses another or who hurts the innocent or someone who is unable to defend themselves. Is this right? Would Kindness only speak softly? Only God speaks on that.