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What Prompted you to Start Blogging 3

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What Prompted you to Start Blogging. 

Today we share the third in the series of What Prompted you to Start Blogging 3

What Prompted you to Start Blogging 3

Last week we shared the second batch of bloggers in this series What prompted you to start blogging? If you the previously featured bloggers, you can still pop over and read all those wonderful blogging stories.

In my post, Blogging is an interesting world! you will be able to meet other blogging buddies.

When did you start blogging?  Did you know what you let yourself in for?  Did you think it would be easy?  Just type 300+ words, add a handful of beautiful images and voila all done, and then hit the Publish button?  For sure that’s not how it goes ….. what do you think? How do you do it??

You can read my own story on What Prompted me to Start Blogging  EsmeSalon About Page


What Prompted you to Start Blogging 3


I am sharing your stories,  in the order received, so please keep an eye out for the rest in this series!
I decided to ask my blogging friends and below you will find their answers to these questions.
1. Why You Blog
2. What prompted you to start blogging


In this 3rd series, of What Prompted you to Start Blogging 3 we have


Moyer Memoirs

My blogging journey started many, many years ago in the analog world.  I created thousands of scrapbook pages documenting my life, my vacations, and the world around me.  Onto colorful pages, I carefully pasted beautiful printed pictures, wrote a script of all our family trips, and polished them off with a touch of fancy stickers.  The scrapbook pile grew and grew as I invested dollar upon dollar in the scrapbook revolution.  I received many compliments on my detailed story-telling by the few people that were able to enter my home to view my treasured scrapbook vacation album collection.

As time went on and the pile became taller than my daughters, I started to question those scrapbooks and their future.  Since they are mostly collecting dust, how could I share them with the world?  Enter the world of the digital age and the creation of MoyerMemoirs Empty-Nester Travel Blog!

I can now enter any story my little brain can think of onto MoyerMemoirs, decorate it with DIGITAL photographs taken on the trip, and it will be stored indefinitely.  Even more, I can share it with many more than the people that enter my living room and fit onto my couch!  Sharing my stories with people around the world is my dream.  Now that I am an empty-nester, I am able to roam the world.  There is so much to see and so much I have not yet experienced.  I am now able to record my vacation stories and share them so that others can experience different cultures and sites too.  I write detailed hints and advice so that those who will follow in my footsteps to destinations unknown can reap the knowledge of someone who has been there and done that. Never Stop Exploring!


Then we have Jazz sharing her story

Jazz Williams

The Lone Aspie

I blog because it’s something I am passionate about. I started blogging about autism when I went to a program that I thought would help me find a job. The person they gave me refused to listen to me and understand me. I was angry so I started blogging about autism and mental health to debunk all of the misinformation out there.




Today’s third blogger would be

Mama Bear Finance

In a nutshell, I believe that we all have something unique in us that we can contribute to this world. With the advent of the internet, it has become SO MUCH easier to do so.

Blogging is just one of the media channels where I can utilize my finance skills to inspire others to master their own personal finance and become financially independent.

What prompted me to start my blog is actually when I became a mother. I wanted to leave something behind for my daughter to read one day and to open up the conversation about money management so that she will be equipped to face any financial situations in the future. I also wanted to leave some thoughts behind on the internet as I think my skillset in finance can certainly help someone else to better manage their personal finances.

Next in line would be


Style Hair Magazine

I am blogging because I have a natural penchant for writing. Although I’ve always been a freelance writer, I found that blogging could help me write and learn more about interesting topics.


We are still not done, so here we have

Mikhaela telling us What Prompted her to Start Blogging


Tell us Why You Blog

I blog because I want to share the knowledge I have with everyone. It is just becoming one of my hidden escape most probably sweet happiness in the beginning and now turns into a passionate business that could give enough inspiration for female travelers at the moment. I feel such joy, positive mindset and excitement because I believe my travel inspiration stories could help the world be a better community.

And what prompted you to start blogging

Actually, I don’t know the exact reason why I do it. I was not a writer but I was a big fan of writers that can write well in many genres. I think it just happened in a subtle moment. I was looking for work overseas to sustain my fulfillment to be successful. However, I was skimming a lot over the internet and then I saw two big aspiration person in my life why I started blogging. First, he is my online coach, he told me that you can live your life without worrying much working in a 9-5 job, so learn how to do it. Secondly, I was a big fan of travel bloggers in my own country like Ms. Patricia Prieto. She was one of my inspiration why I started all of this beautiful journey. Aside from that, while surfing the net, One song that really prompted is “Solo by Jennie of Blackpink”. I can say it tells my whole story when I resigned in a company and finding myself the real passion I had which travel blogging came up to me.


Next up, we have a dear blogging friend which I had the honor meeting in person last year while on vacation. So without further ado, meet Amelia sharing her accidental blogging story in this week’s What Prompted you to Start Blogging 3 


Amelia P

You can Always start now

I ‘m an accidental blogger. I thought I was signing up to gain access to my friend’s blog (A Wandafulthing) so I could help her figure things out. After hammering in what I thought were passwords and nothing happening I typed in youcanalwaysstartnow as was frustrated at that point. WHAM welcome to your blog (which I had no idea I had created). So I opened it and there it was! The decision was to go for it as I could help Wanda by playing with this blog and figuring out the ins and out for her. Yes, I also was granted access to her blog through the process. Sigh.

Why I blog? I found I enjoyed it. I quickly realized I would never have come up with a name so appropriate if I had been trying! Blogging has made me more focused and given me courage. Through blogging, I have had to “put myself” out there. That has given me the confidence to put my other work out there. I’ve become part of a “tribe” which I love. Blogging has added so much to my life and now can’t think of not doing it!


It will be a delight and honor to see all those featured if you feel so inclined to subscribe to my blog, as we have lots to share on a regular basis.  You will have a weekly opportunity to share your blog links at #SeniSal

Senior Salon Inlinkz Linkup:
Each week we have a new linkup and it will start each Monday at 02:00 am closes on Friday at 8:00 pm PT (Pacific Time) as I am in Vancouver, BC.  I also share a Roundup Post an hour after the closing time with all the links for easy reference. 

Blog Social
We have 5 different sections and we try to share an opportunity at least once every two weeks, sometimes weekly.

B.O.S.S. Blog
B.O.S.S. Facebook
B.O.S.S. Feedback
B.O.S.S. Pinterest
B.O.S.S. Twitter

I hope to see you soon and get to know you even better.

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  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog. You will also find Resources and Courses and Services for Bloggers which I promote from time to time.

8 thoughts on “What Prompted you to Start Blogging 3”

    • Thank you for your participation and for being part of this series. Please share this on your own social media and hope that we will have more to come and participate as well.


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