Thank you so much to Crystal for inviting me to do a Guest Post on her wonderful CRYSTAL AND DAISY MAE’S PHOTO-BLOGGING SITE
First and foremost: Thank you to my dear blogging buddy Crystal for the honor and for asking me to share a post on your blog CRYSTAL’S PHOTO-BLOGGING SITE
Crystal, I am sorry that it has taken me so long to get to your post, but with the upgrade and going self-hosted, time just flew by, and also I did not want to share a post prior to having all my
My old site is still alive, although no new posts will be published over at The Recipe Hunter (I keep it merely as a reference) as all activity now takes place at the NEW self-hosted Site @ EsmeSalon so I invite your readers to hop over and subscribe and in doing so they will receive an email in their inbox of all the activity on my new site.
Well as you may have guessed by now, my name is Esmé
If you wish to find out more, please pop over and read all About me and my humble blog, EsmeSalon
My Motto: Share, Care & Inspire and Promoting
I invite you to take a look at the following
Please visit Crystal’s site where you will be able to read the entire and full post: A GUEST POST BY ESMESALON

Thank you again, Crystal, for this opportunity to share my blog on your site.
To quote my blogging friend Clive:
One of the joys of blogging is the sense of community that develops with our followers and with those whose blogs we follow in return: many ‘chats’ take place in the comments section!
Clive, I totally agree with you on your above comment. This to me is a wonderful blogging community we have and to be able to share across the blogosphere our different stories. Thank you so much to all my friends and followers.
As always great post
Hi Crystal – Sorry your comment got caught in the spam folder and just found it there. Thank you again and I would love to continue to contribute and have a post should you be interested. Let me know via email and we can discuss it further.
Many thanks for the plug – even if Crystal did edit it out 😂
Clive – the plug is only in my repost not the original post. on her blog.
So I saw, but I’m grateful nevertheless 😊
You’re most welcome Clive
Lovely Esme, going over to read.
Thank you Robbie