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Grow your Subscribers Interactive Survey

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How to Grow your Subscribers list with an Interactive Survey


I am so happy to share with you this Guest Post from The Irish Twin’s Momma and for you to learn how to Grow your Subscribers list with an Interactive Survey.

Sit back and enjoy and do not forget to visit Ashley’s survey to see What’s Your Decorating Style?

I came across Forbes article after seeing on Pinterest pins about interactive quizzes. Forbes stated, with the demand consumers have for instant results and interaction that interactive quizzes are helping companies grow leads. This intrigued me on how I could grow my subscribers by creating an interactive quiz that others would enjoy. As I was researching more, Buzzsumo stated that the average quiz is shared nearly 2,000 times.

Free Interactive Quiz Sites


I started doing a search for free interactive quiz sites where I could create my own and came across Interact. They have an amazing tool that you can use to create your own survey or use an already developed template one. These tools can result in generating leads and drive traffic to your website. With Interact opt-in forms performing at a 50% conversion, they can quickly help grow your subscribers.

I put Interact on my site The Irish Twin’s Momma and was astonished by the results I received after 36-hours having it on my homepage. I also announced it on social media sites and within that time frame, I grew 42 new subscribers. It might not sound like much, but every little bit helps me to better understand my audience.

As a good writer, for readers to keep coming back to your site you need to really know your audience and provide quality content. In return, this will grow your site’s credibility by understanding what their struggles are and how you can provide solutions.


Grow your Subscribers Interactive Survey

A quiz is a fun, interactive way with no pressure to find out exactly what your audience needs so you can tailor your messages to them directly.

How to Grow your Subscribers with an Interactive Survey

An added tip: The quiz doesn’t have to be very long. It just must be well thought out with approximately 10 questions or so.


Step 1. Brainstorm ideas:

Come up with a quiz topic that is fun and may help them improve something or even understand their struggles. Say your niche is cooking or baking you can make a fun quiz like what is your meal’s name or baking name and provide them with a recipe that is based on their responses.


Step 2. Map out questions and results:

Come up with an idea of your questions and what the results will be. Interact can help you a ton with their templates as they have over 200+ ready-made templates available to use. They have amazing ones that can really get you started instantly. Honestly, I’ve never made a quiz before and had no idea where to start. There site made it so easy as they have done a ton of research to make sure their questions are valuable to any reader.

Here are some of the template option that you can select:

Template Options


Once you have selected the best one that fits your target audiences you will want to determine if you want to make an assessment, personality, or scored. I had no idea what I wanted so I just picked them all and was astonished with how many quizzes they had come back with. I played around with the different quizzes they provided to determine which one would be best for my audience.


Customized the quiz


Then I customized the quiz using my colors and fonts so that it would fit seamlessly into my website afterward. All you do is change the branding settings on the left and it will apply to the entire quiz.


Step 3. Determine your goal you would like from your quiz:

If you are looking for a marketing tool to connect with your audience or leads to grow your email list, you can request their email address for them to receive their results. Interact has several different plans that could help businesses of each.


Step 4: Email Integration:

After you’ve got your quiz all set up and ready to go, you’ll need to integrate it with your email service provider in order to keep track of all the leads that are generated. (Note: Email integration isn’t offered on the free plan, but it is worth it)

Interact quizzes integrate with all the major email platforms including Active Campaign, MailChimp, Mailerlite, Kartra, and Constant Contact. I am using MailChimp and the integration was super simple.


Choose the appropriate email platform


Step 5. Determine if where on your site you will place your quiz:

Once your survey is completed you several options of how to display your survey on your website as a popup, announcement bar, or embed codes. They also have options to share on social media, and more.


Final Thoughts:

Overall, I am impressed with Interact quizzes and the success I have had at growing my subscriber list. At first, I was feeling overwhelmed by the process of having to decide what kind of quiz to create and what the outcome would be. I was amazed there was so much built into Interact that those decisions were all done for me.

If you are looking for creating resources that help your audience or growing your email list, Interact quizzes might be just the thing you are looking for!

Check out my quiz here to see how it all works or build your own free Interact quiz




Hi! My name is Ashley and I am the momma of β€œIrish twin” boys. Meaning that are under a year apart. My boys, Jack & Luke are 11 months apart.


Ashley is a fellow blogger and valued SIPB Community member of our Facebook Group

SIPB Community Member Logo

  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog. You will also find Resources and Courses and Services for Bloggers which I promote from time to time.

16 thoughts on “Grow your Subscribers Interactive Survey”

  1. This is a great idea Esme and Ashley! I am totally rubbish at this kind of thing, so I have hardly any subscribers. It is really interesting to hear how you build up yours though. πŸ˜€

    • Josy, No you’re not rubbish with this kind of thing, we all do what we can and this is just another way to do it. Hope you will try it and let us know how it turns out for you.

  2. I have been looking for a great post on how to gain subscribers. Thanks for the great post. This has been where I have been struggling for the past year.

    • Hi Trent, hope this will help. I am also going to make use of this over the weekend. Time has been my enemy for a while, but I have already started to look at this and hope to get my interactive survey up and running!


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