InLinkz 264 Senior Salon Pit Stop is now READY FOR YOU! Come and drop your latest blog post links and visit others and help them out! So, buckle up and get ready for an inspiring and informative ride and let’s connect with our fellow bloggers, and learn and grow together.
We invite you to join us in sharing your latest blog posts, artwork, and creative posts at this fantastic online gathering. It’s the perfect way to grow your audience, gain inspiration, and make lasting connections with fellow creators.
Welcome to our Senior Salon Pit Stop Linky Party starting June 5-10, 2023!
Please do not be a drop-and-run participant. Your Vroom Vroom Team humbly ask and would truly appreciate your help in that you at a minimum visit the link prior to where you link up. Together, let's keep this creative community growing!
We are happy you are here to share those awesome posts with us
and read and comment on others!
The most popular post at the previous Senior Salon Pit Stop Linky Party was …
Caprese Garden Bread:
Delight in every bite with this lovely Bread.

Looking back at last week, the following posts recorded the second and third-highest number of visits by other members participating:
Adding Value to our Senior Salon Pit Stop Link Party:–
- For every post (Unlimited sharing limit), you share, please comment on someone else’s post. Make their day a bit brighter.
- Posts can be on any subject that is family-friendly (All niches welcome).
- Posts with direct sales, shops, or affiliates must contain relevant post content.
- If you have your own link-up party, you are allowed to share it, but that may not qualify for the top 15 posts of the previous week, but it will most certainly help you as others will see your link-up.
- As mentioned, we would appreciate your support by showcasing our Senior Salon Pit Stop Vroom Vroom Linkup image on the blog posts you share weekly. (See code below).
Simply The Best:
Unstoppable energy, timeless talent!

You Can Take The Girl From The Prairie:
Unleash Your Prairie Spirit.

We know that you're busy, but please when you do take the time to drop your own links, we respectfully ask - for you to visit one another - drop a meaningful comment - share those lovely posts on your own Social Media. Please do not drop your links and run, that's not fair to the others. We are all here to help one another and gain more exposure and we can only thrive once we all play a fair game! Thank you for your support and help!
Congratulations to our three podium winners!
We are open each Monday as of 2 am through to Saturday at 2 pm
(Vancouver BC Canadian time).
This should provide you with sufficient time to share your own links and visit others!
It will be awesome when you have been featured to add the HTML text to your featured post. It’s obviously not compulsory but will be immensely appreciated. Your Senior Salon Pit Stop Vroom Vroom Linkup Crew wishes to thank you in advance.
Feel free to add the SSPS Party Link: then others will know where you hang out and party and then they can also join us.
<img alt="esmesalon senior salon pitstop" src="" width="425" height="168"/>
Welcome to our InLinkz 264 Senior Salon Pit Stop
Blogger of the week
Congratulations to Kristy on this post
Easy Sonic Slushies:
Sip the Chill.

Your post may have received a mention from one of the crew members on their blog for InLinkz 264 Senior Salon Pit Stop, so do have a look!
Will we see you this week at InLinkz 264 Senior Salon Pit Stop?
Now the rest of the top 10 for this week
- Hawaiian Haystacks
- Stuffed Buns
- Cinnamon Roll Crescents
- How to Become a Morning Person
- The Power of Daily Routine Planning For Designing Your Dream Life
- Root Beer Float Bar
- Back in the loop
- How to Catch Up on Preserving Photos: the two-in-one Plan
- What Cost Freedom?
- Surviving the long summer break when you are a registered child minder
- Easy Picnic Salad Recipes
- Advantages of the Kindle App
If you dropped your link early Monday morning, we urge you to return here to participate and read other posts. We need to share the love, as this is how we learn and grow together.
Honorable Mention
Signup for our Weekly Newsletter here

Subscribe today and receive weekly SSPS InLinkz Newsletter via EsmeSalon
By subscribing, I agree to receive the weekly SSPS Newsletter and declare that I read and accepted the Privacy policy and Terms and Conditions
Do not forget to share the POST URL link, not your blog URL here at InLinkz 264 Senior Salon Pit Stop
Are your Blog ADA-compliant?
ADA compliance is an important topic that affects many aspects of life for individuals with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was presented in 1990 to ensure that individuals with disabilities have equal opportunities in employment, transportation, public accommodations, and more (Blogging). It is important for businesses and organizations to understand and obey the ADA regulations to ensure that they are providing accessible and inclusive environments for all individuals.
By complying with the ADA regulations, Bloggers can help to create a more accessible and inclusive environment for their clients and followers with disabilities.
What is ADA Compliance and how does it apply to Bloggers?
In addition to physical accessibility, ADA Compliance also extends to digital accessibility. This means that businesses and BLOGGERS must ensure that their websites and digital content are accessible to individuals with disabilities, including those who are blind or visually impaired, deaf or hard of hearing, or have mobility impairments.
Non-compliance with the ADA can result in significant fines and legal action. Therefore, it is important for BLOGGERS to understand their ADA obligations and take all necessary and preventative steps to ensure that their Blog and Services are accessible to individuals with disabilities.
ADA Compliance NowWhy is ADA Compliance Important for Us as Bloggers?
Businesses as well as Bloggers that fail to comply with ADA regulations can face significant legal and financial consequences. Violations can result in fines of up to $100,000 per violation, as well as lawsuits and a lot of negative publicity. In addition, non-compliance can cause harm to individuals with disabilities by limiting their access to your Blog and Services.
Ensuring ADA compliance it will benefit Bloggers in several ways. By making a Blog and your Services accessible to people with disabilities, Bloggers can expand their customer base and improve customer loyalty.
In general, it is imperative for Bloggers to adhere to all ADA regulations to ensure equal access and opportunities for individuals with disabilities. By doing so, Bloggers can avoid legal and financial consequences while also enhancing customer and client satisfaction and loyalty.
To make sure that you’re totally up to speed, do not miss out on this opportunity to grab this ADA Compliance Now product designed by Mariam Tsaturyan, a Lawyer en Blogger!
I worked through this course: ADA Compliance Now and it’s absolutely outstanding and worth every penny and more!
ADA Compliance Now .. with LIFETIME accessPlease fellow Bloggers, I will continue to promote and shout from the rooftops until you listen and get your Blog ADA-compliant! I am not doing this, because it’s my aff link (yes I will earn a small commission when you sign up, but with no extra cost to you) BUT for your own sake please make sure to grab this course ASAP!
Please do not be a drop-and-run participant. Your Vroom Vroom Team humbly ask and would truly appreciate your help in that you at a minimum visit the link prior to where you link up. Together, let's keep this creative community growing!
#183. Gluten free appetizers and dipping sauces. Perfect for summer gatherings. Thank you so much for hosting this link party. I’ve enjoyed so many of the posts. Getting ready to check out how to make homemade ice cream!
Dear Doreen
Awesome, thank you so much for popping in, your kind words, and visiting other party goers. Enjoy the homemade icecream
Thank you so much for hosting the party, Esme, and for the invitation to join! I hope your weekend is filled with all good things, CoCo
Morning CoCo, welcome and so glad to see you here. I will check your links and we hope that you will be a regular going forward, Monday through Saturday. Have a lovely weekend.
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thank you Patrick, same to you and thanks for visiting us this week.
I hope you are all having a lovely week! Thank you for hosting SSPS! Sim x
Morning Sim. Thanks for popping in and yes our week is going well. Hope you’re also having a good one. Thanks for linking, reading, commenting and sharing.
Thank you for hosting Esme, my entry this week is #159, Braised Lamb Shanks (that we just so happen to be having for dinner tonight!),
Hi Leslie, Thank you for your comment. I saw your entry, visited and dropped a note there. This is for sure on my winter baking list. Just love Lamb Shanks. Thanks for your handles and your post #
So many wonderful posts to browse through. Thanks for hosting.
Dear Rena. Thank you for popping in and yes we get some outstanding and awesome links weekly. Thanks for visiting them, commenting and sharing. I will start to check links through the week.
Esme & Ladies, thank you so much for hosting I appreciate your hospitality.
Linking up at #150
Hi Paula. Thank you for your kind words, and thanks for linking and providing your link #. We all appreciate your time in reading, commenting and sharing links of fellow bloggers. Have a great day and rest of your week.
Thanks so much for hosting, Esme. I’ve enjoyed browsing through all the fun posts!
Hi Niky. thank you so much for visiting other posts and helping them having a good party.
Thanks for hosting and including my Stuffed Bun as one of Top 10 post, much appreciated…
Hi Nora, You’re welcome, thanks for linking up and visiting others, reading, commenting and sharing.
Hi, thanks for hosting this blog party. My entry is at #77. You can tag me on Instagram @ronnny2.
Hi John, Thank you for your link up number and IG handle. I will visit links throughout the week.
Esme, thanks so much for hosting. My entry numbers are 32 and 33.
Hi Dee, Thanks so much for sharing, reading, commenting and participating! I will check links throughout the week. Have a great weekend.
Hi Esme, Thanks so much for hosting. I’ll come and visit some posts here in just a few minutes. Thanks again.
Dear Pam, Thanks for linking and thank you for returning to come and read others, comment and share. That’s what a party is about as without mingling we do not have a party. Enjoy
#69 Gluten Free Pierogis. These came out delicious. Wishing everyone a wonderful week and enjoying looking at all the posts.
Dear Doreen
Thank you for linking up and sharing your GF pierogis post. I will check them out and with GF I may even try them out despite the fact that I have never before made Pierogis. Happy reading, commenting and sharing and have a wonderful week.
Thanks Esme for hosting Senior Salon Pit Stop #264. So happy to share my posts that are 65, 66, and 67. Wishing you a beautiful day.
Hi Nancy
So glad you popped in again and thanks for leaving your link numbers. I will check out all links through the week. Have a great day reading commenting and sharing others.
Thanks for hosting, Esme, Estelle, Maria, Melynda, and Julie. I’m parked at #’s 47-49.
Dear Donna. Thanks for popping in and your linkup numbers. Thanks for dropping by, reading, commenting and sharing others. Have a great week
Thank you very much for featuring my “How to Catch Up on Photos – The Two-in-One Plan” post this week! I’ve been a memory-keeping consultant for 18 years now, and I find that a lot of people just need an escape plan from overwhelm. 🙂 I hope your readers enjoy it! Thank you for hosting this lovely linkup. I’m entries 63 and 64 this week. My Instagram handle is @photoandstorytreasures, and My Facebook page is @heritagemakerswithjennifer Have a great week!
Hi Jennifer. Thank you so much for linking, reading, commenting and sharing. I will visit the links through the week and also thanks for sharing your handles. This does make it so much easier for me to refer to when you’re in the top 5.
#55 Gluten free crispy muffin tin pizza. This is such a fun place. I visited several blogs and already left one message. Working on more. Would love some comments on my blog too!
Hi Doreen. Thanks for linking up and thanks for visiting others and commenting. I am sure others will reciprocate and visit you as well. Have a great week. Thank you for your kind words re SSPS
How wonderful to be on the top 5 list! Thanks so much for this amazing opportunity to share our blog posts and meet new bloggers. You and your team are the best!!
Dear Darlene. Thank you so much for your kind word regarding the team. We are so happy to have you here and participate, read, comment and share others. Have a great day Darlene.
Thanks for the party!
Morning Amy. Thanks for being part of SSPS and reading commenting and sharing others. I will visit the links through the week.