Arrange on a wooden board and Enjoy
Prepared, tried, and tested Sarien Slabbert
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Arrange on a wooden board and Enjoy
Prepared, tried, and tested Sarien Slabbert
Woah! This looks tasty, but also it’s massive!! You must have all been pretty full by the time you ate the main dinner! 😀
Yes, we all ate to much of the appetizers. Fortunately we have 4 vegan members that also helped and we still had left overs, and fortunately that was my main meal for the day. I enjoyed the rest of the dishes dishes the following day.
Perfect! So you can have the day off from cooking on boxing day! 😀
No cooking on boxing day as I had to work. Not a stat for us in Canada. 😢
What a beautiful spread! I have to say that I’ve never tried tofurky or vegan burger patties, but I am very interested in trying them. Did you try them, Esme? What are your thoughts? I’ll have to make a point of doing so sometime in the near future. Happy New Year!
Yes, Although not vegan myself, my son and DIL and kiddos all vegan, so we have all those on a regular basis and I also enjoy it. As it’s only myself and hubby at home (kids all married and have their own kiddos) I do from time to time do veggies dishes only and many times add vegan patties to the mix. You should try it.
I’ll have to try it sometime!
Well all thats missing is uncle tom cobley an all 😉😁😀
For sure Ellen – whatever you want, add it and enjoy
Have a good 2018. X
Have fun and enjoy and all the best
This all looks so delicious, bright and colorful. Yum!!
Yes delicious and healthy on top of that
Very delicious 🙂
Thanks dear friend
That looks so yummy I just want to eat it all:)
Thanks so much AJ, my DIL will be very happy to hear that.