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Share and Inspire Others!

Please Spread the love, Sharing is Caring!

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Please note that EsmeSalon may have a financial relationship with some of the vendors we mention in this post which means we may get compensated financially or in kind, at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase through any link in this post. Please refer to our Affiliate Disclosure and Privacy Policy should you require any additional information.




  • We will have a specific Theme every month, which will be announced on the 1st of each month.
  • invited.jpgΒ to send in your favorite TRIED AND TESTED recipe/s (yes you may enter more than one if you wish) for each month according to that month’s Theme.
  • Please note, this must be a self-tried-and-tested-recipeΒ TRIED AND TESTED recipe and include the full recipe and method as well asΒ your own picture.
  • Submit your entry for the particular month by the latest midnight Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada time on the 10th of every month.
  • If you wish to participate, please email me @Β co**********@sh**.caΒ and provide me with some interesting information on your recipe (if possible) Β andΒ dont-forgetΒ to add the linksΒ to your awesome recipe.gifΒ  on your own Β blogΒ in your email to me.
  • Please also leave me a comment (NOT THE LINK) on the post of the month to let me know that I should expect your email.Β Email Inbox. Β This is just a precaution, as I do not want to miss your awesome recipe.
  • The subject line of your email, should be marked: Month/YearΒ Β Theme.
  • We will Release all entries onΒ The Recipe HunterΒ in one post, by the latest midnight Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada time on the 15th of every month.
  • Each collaborator will have time to Promote and share the full post on his/herΒ own blog, till midnight Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada time on the 20th of every month, linking back to all the other collaborators.


1stTheme will be announced and published on The Recipe HunterΒ blog.
10thSubmissions need to be received via email @Β co**********@sh**.ca
15th Release of all entries from participantsΒ on The Recipe HunterΒ blog.
20thPromote and do a post/reblog on yourΒ own blog, linking back to the original post.

  • Please write a post / reblog and share the original post from The Recipe HunterΒ released by midnight on the 15th of every month, on your own personal blog.Β This is not an option, you have to adhereΒ to this rule.
  • If not, this may lead to disqualificationΒ of future participation (and believe me, we do not want this to happen), should you fail to share the original post or provide a pingback to the original post onΒ The Recipe Hunter.

Our Motto: Β Sharing is Caring ……sharing-is-caring-helping-hand

  • It will be highly appreciated if you will be kind enough to spread the news by updating and sharing the Share and InspireΒ Others!Β program on your own blog in order for your followers to also participate in this exchange @ The Recipe Hunter
  • When you submit a recipe and we showcase your entry, you automatically allow and grant all other participants your permission to share and reblog your recipe onΒ any otherΒ social media or forum. Β By them doing so, they will giveΒ credit to you and link back to theΒ original post. Again: This is not an option, all need to adhereΒ to this rule.

Share and InspireΒ Others!Β Β Please spread the word and share this post via Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter or whatever other media/forums you’re affiliated with.

It’s a win win situation, don’t you think? Β You help me,Β I help you and we all benefit in this Share and InspireΒ Others! MonthlyΒ Exchange Program.
Let’s have fun with this Share and InspireΒ Others!Β exchangeΒ by spreading theΒ love of Cooking and Baking, to the next generationΒ and all around the World.
I look forward to each and every entry through your participation and by doing so, my deepest wish would be that we will make lots ofΒ newΒ friends and meet tons of new bloggers around the Globe.

  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog.

74 thoughts on “Share and Inspire Others!”

  1. Pingback: Who, What, Where and Why?? | The Recipe Hunter
  2. Pingback: Tik Tok Tik Tok – July 10, 2017 | The Recipe Hunter
  3. Pingback: July 2017 Share and Inspire Others! – “F” | The Recipe Hunter
  4. Pingback: June 2017 Share and Inspire Others! – Food/Ingredient starting with E | The Recipe Hunter
  5. Pingback: One Lovely Blogger Award 2 | The Recipe Hunter
  6. Pingback: April 2017 Share and Inspire Others! – “D” | The Recipe Hunter
  7. Pingback: April 2017 Share and Inspire Others! | The Recipe Hunter
  8. Pingback: Mystery Blogger Award 4!! | The Recipe Hunter
  9. Pingback: 5 More days to submit your March 2017 Share and Inspire Others! Entries | The Recipe Hunter
  10. Pingback: March 2017 Share and Inspire Others! | The Recipe Hunter
  11. Pingback: An open invitation to all Bloggers | The Recipe Hunter
  12. Pingback: 48 hrs Countdown to 10 February 2017: Share and Inspire Others! | The Recipe Hunter
  13. Pingback: February 2017 Share and Inspire Others! | The Recipe Hunter
  14. Pingback: The Blog-aholic Award | The Recipe Hunter
  15. Pingback: My Third Mystery Blogger Award!! | The Recipe Hunter
  16. Pingback: Mystery Blog Award πŸ† | The Recipe Hunter
  17. Pingback: January 2017 Share and Inspire Others – Appetizers | The Recipe Hunter
  18. Pingback: 2017 – Happy New Year | The Recipe Hunter
  19. Pingback: Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays | The Recipe Hunter
  20. Pingback: Out with the old, and In with the New … | The Recipe Hunter
  21. Pingback: Where to find The Recipe Hunter (Cook & Enjoy) | The Recipe Hunter
    • I have received your email and will accept your entry. Thank you so much. I am having trouble to access the recipe from the email link. I will respond back to you via mail to clarify the link. Thanks for your entry. 🌲🌲

  22. Pingback: Happy Holidays!
  23. Pingback: T’IS THE SEASON: CAKES, COOKIES AND TREATS – December 2016 Share and Inspire Others! | The Recipe Hunter
  24. Pingback: Share and Inspire Others! | The Recipe Hunter

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