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What Prompted you to Start Blogging 2

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What Prompted you to Start Blogging.  Today we share the second in the series of What Prompted you to Start Blogging 2

What Prompted you to Start Blogging 2

Last week we shared the first in this series What prompted you to start blogging? If you missed it, you can still pop over and read all those wonderful blogging stories.

In my post, Blogging is an interesting world! you will be able to meet other blogging buddies.

When did you start blogging?  Did you know what you let yourself in for?  Did you think it would be easy?  Just type 300+ words, add a handful of beautiful images and voila all done, and then hit the Publish button?  For sure that’s not how it goes ….. what do you think? How do you do it??

You can read my own story on What Prompted me to Start Blogging  EsmeSalon About Page


What Prompted you to Start Blogging 2


I am sharing your stories,  in the order received, so please keep an eye out for the rest in this series!
I decided to ask my blogging friends and below you will find their answers to these questions.
1. Why You Blog
2. What prompted you to start blogging


As our next bloggers in What Prompted you to Start Blogging 2 we have


Wheel Escapades

Why You Blog and What prompted you to start blogging: 

‘I’d considered blogging for a while before I actually took the plunge. 

My friends and I often joked about the situations I got in due to being a wheelchair user. Getting stuck in a lift, booking a restaurant after much research to find they’ve seated me upstairs even though I fully informed them. The things people would say, and assumptions they’d make upon seeing my wheels. Even in the 21st century, it seemed I was an a-far-from-understood novelty.

I wanted to share theses thoughts, adventures and issues with more than just those close to me. I wanted to raise awareness of accessibility, inclusivity, and ignorance. I wanted people to see that even though we are all unique, we are really all the same. With the same needs, interests and life goals. 

I also wanted people to know the little things, access isn’t only about steps. 

My writing has morphed slightly over the past 3 years, grown in various directions. I continue to highlight disability and accessibility, reviewing establishments and events. This blends with musings of my daily life, my love of afternoon tea, and crafting hobbies. 

Blogging and the fantastic community that comes with it quickly became part of my every day.’


Then we have Arti sharing her story in What Prompted you to Start Blogging 2

Arti Yadav

Escape Writers

Why You Blog and What prompted you to start blogging: 

I was not in debt, not suffering from any trauma or looking for a side hustle to travel more. 2 years back it was just a thought to write and I do it anyway. I struggled a lot in the first year and the second year is the best. (Okey let me admit every 2 weeks I want to quit, and suddenly I will get a comment or share from a random person and I am BACK to the game!!!)

I am learning a lot about blogging and sometimes feel proud when I help others with their blogging questions.

So here is a little flashback to my life:

I and my twins are waiting in the garden area of the hospital while my parents are in the queue for their checkup. Like a regular mom, I asked my twins what do they want to be in the future? One replied I want to become a teacher and the other replied I want to be a school bus driver who drops everybody at home safely. I was feeling happy that at least they have something in mind (at their age I was clueless what to say)!!

Suddenly they asked me what do you want to become in your life? I was a stay at home mom from the last 6 years and honestly, I never had a thought of becoming something. I am just the mom of two little girls. I was hesitant to answer them honestly and they broke into my ever confusing and conflicting thought process. One of them replied to the other: “Mommy wanted to be a mom to us and so she is a Mom, right mom?”

I nodded (exact expression: speechless), and from that day my soul keeps asking me the same question they asked. That was a moment when you realize you must do something, not for money but do something for your self-growth.

After that incident, I was constantly looking for something that shutters my mind wanderings. So I started to read and write short lines and then one of my friends suggested me to go for blogging. He helped me a lot and finally, my blog “EscapeWriters” launched and my unseen dream life started.

I didn’t come into this field with prior knowledge (it was just like you accidentally fall into the pool when you don’t know how to swim) and now with 2 years of experience, I feel glad to be part of this distinct profession.

I am basically writing on each shade of life like Parenting, Relationships, Mental Health, Personal Growth, and Travel. And if you are an aspiring writer, my blog is open for you as I accept guest bloggers too. Never be too shy to contact me for any queries or suggestions.

I want to make more blogging friends with whom I share my little wins and big mistakes!!!



Today’s third blogger in What Prompted you to Start Blogging 2 would be

Amy Blair

Girl With A Spatula

Why You Blog and What prompted you to start blogging: 

In 2016, I suffered a back injury, honestly, I don’t even know how it happened. I saw my family GP for months on end, went for several tests, prescribed medication, etc., but nothing helped to cure my back issues.  It was so debilitating that I found it hard to walk, sit, lay down for more than 5 minutes.  Walking was even difficult.  I literally had to stand or walk slowly.

Soon after, I engaged the assistance of a chiropractor and for the next year saw him every week, then every other week. This lasted for about a year and a half. Some of the things I loved to do, like exercising and walking, I could do on a limited basis. In fact, I was so discouraged, that I stopped exercising because it was just too painful.  I gained 20 pounds.

In 2018, my GP strongly encouraged me to seek the assistance of a physiotherapist. At this point, I was even considering surgery to correct the problem because I had developed spinal scoliosis.  However, this was due to a muscle imbalance and with the right physiotherapy, it was possible to correct the issue.  I saw her for about a year, things began to progress in the right direction.  Then one day, on the advice of my physiotherapist, I began to stretch a particular muscle in my body (my hip-flexor).  And, guess what? Finally, after 2 years of dealing with agonizing pain, I literally felt 90% better and was headed in the right direction. There were so many muscle imbalances in my body that it took a long time to eliminate them one by one to isolate the culprit.

I still see both my physiotherapist and chiropractor occasionally.  The creation of my food blog was the idea of my Chiropractor who encouraged me to find something to do that I enjoyed and would take my mind off of the pain I was experiencing.

And voila, the GirlWithaSpatula Recipe Blog was created.

Today, I continue to work on my blog.  Most recently in September 2019, I switched from WIX to which was a huge learning curve. I am working on transferring all of my content which is taking some time as I’m realizing that good content and photos make a big difference in making a blog appealing. So it is taking some time as I want every post that I publish to be perfect.

I am a working mother and wife.  I love to cook and share my cooking experiences. I love to give bundles of baked goods away.


As the last entry for this week in What Prompted you to Start Blogging 2, we showcase

Last but not least for this week’s What Prompted you to Start Blogging 2 we have



Why You Blog and What prompted you to start blogging: 

I am a new blogger, I launched on Dec 28, 2019. I started blogging for several reasons:
1. To share our self-building journey of our Urban Forest Farmhouse, there are many bloggers recording their building journey but we are a little different. We designed and hand drew our own blueprints, bought raw undeveloped land and will be building the home all ourselves. My husband has a construction background but he doesn’t do this professionally. We want to share the journey of this & all design tips and DIY tutorials later down through the road.
2. To promote my husband’s business JR Designs for future clientele. He makes custom furniture, concrete countertop. His plan is to pursue this business when we are done building. it’s on hold for a few years. But we will also fill the finished home with some of the furniture and home decor that we build ourselves.
3. Our community needs. (This one is the big reason why I blog ) We live in Butte county in CA and our local community was greatly affected by the Campfire of 2018. Our community lost 18,000 buildings as a wildfire tore through several towns. People are now slowly rebuilding and I wanted to create a blog to help our community by providing local resources, recommendations, deals on appliances and home decor and to encourage DIY projects to save money.

For all these reasons I felt the Call to start my own blog since my husband and I have the knowledge and experience that I feel will be useful to many, especially locally. I was on Pinterest Thanksgiving Weekend and I saw a pin about “How to start a blog” and “make money blogging” and that got my mind going. Starting out I’m
Not focused on making money, I genuinely want to just share our journey and help others by providing resources for home building, renovating and decorating. Naturally, I would love to eventually make money blogging too so I can justify all the time I’ve been spending on it, I also work a full-time job and have 2 young kids. So I can’t keep Blogging for years if I make no money in a couple of years of doing it.  Thanks for the opportunity to share my story!


It will be a delight and honor to see all those featured if you feel so inclined to subscribe to my blog, as we have lots to share on a regular basis.  You will have a weekly opportunity to share your blog links at #SeniSal

Senior Salon Inlinkz Linkup:
Each week we have a new linkup and it will start each Monday at 02:00 am closes on Friday at 8:00 pm PT (Pacific Time) as I am in Vancouver, BC.  I also share a Roundup Post an hour after the closing time with all the links for easy reference. 

Blog Social
We have 5 different sections and we try to share an opportunity at least once every two weeks, sometimes weekly.

B.O.S.S. Blog
B.O.S.S. Facebook
B.O.S.S. Feedback
B.O.S.S. Pinterest
B.O.S.S. Twitter

I hope to see you soon and get to know you even better.

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  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog.

8 thoughts on “What Prompted you to Start Blogging 2”

  1. What a great post! Made me stop and think, “Why did I start blogging?” It was 2009, I had been journaling for a long time. I had recently had several traumatic events in my life, and spent some time with a trusted Christian counselor. She also had me writing a lot of responses to her prompts for me in counseling. I believe starting my blog was just a way for me to continue sharing what was on my heart with others. Many blessings to you!

    • Dear Beth. Wow, I am so glad that you found me and love your comment. How about you send me your own story, if you wish, and I will add it to the list in this series. I hope to get to know you better and learn more about you. Thanks.

  2. Thank you for sharing all of the blogging stories! It’s a good question to ask ourselves every once in a while – why did we start blogging in the first place? Now I will have to think of my own answer. I started blogging on a whim, very suddenly. I need to dig deep to find out what desire blogging satisfies in me.


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