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Are you Ready for #146 Senior Salon

Please Spread the love, Sharing is Caring!

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Are you ready for #146 Senior Salon?


Are you ready?  Come and share your posts at this week’s: Are you ready for #146 Senior Salon!


You’re stronger, and you’re better, and you’re ready for whatever. Alicia Keys 


You're stronger, and you're better, and you're ready for whatever. - Alicia Keys 


TOP 10 Senisal POSTS for the week of January 11-16, 2021!

  1. Reading Plans for 2021
  2. 2020 Hindsight
  3. How To Create And Add A ‘Contact Me’ Form To Your WordPress Blog
  4. Be a Tourist in Your Own Town
  5. Getting Your Money’s Worth
  6. So what am I going to do….
  7. Welcome | Two in One
  8. Why Does Evil Exist in the World?
  9. When It Looks Like Evil Is Winning


Thank you for checking out my post: Jerk Chicken


We had slightly fewer #SeniSal entries than the previous week and only received 33  posts. 

Please let us grow this event so keep up the good work, and share your own posts (2 max per blogger) and also remember to interact with other members by means of reading, clicking through to other posts on the blogs, and then sharing the posts via Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or if you’re on Facebook you can share it on your own page. 

I have said this before and I will say it again:  It is better to give than to receive and also The more you give, the more you get.


I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught. - Winston Churchill 


Come and join us here and share your post and let us know if you’re ready for #146 Senior Salon?   There is another old saying: The more you give, the more you get.  


Please may we respectfully ask from each and every participant that you keep sharing, and promoting Senior Salon on your own blog?  We do require and need your help to keep #SeniSal growing, and the only way we can grow, would be for you to share your links, but also to tell your own followers to come and participate.

Thanks, that we can count on your support



Come in, we have opened the doors to this Are you ready for #146 Senior Salon.
lease share this POST on your SM and share your own blog link!   
We count on your support to share, as it’s the only way we can get others to come and join us.

January 18 – 23, 2021

Your #Senisal Hosts

Kim Davis Berry

Kim Davis Berry

Where will you be able to connect with Kim
Twitter  Pinterest  Instagram   YouTube  Facebook Group

Esme Slabs

Esmé Slabs

Where will you be able to connect with Esme
Facebook  Sharing, Inspiring, Promoting Bloggers: More Visitors & Community Support Facebook Group deleted – join Sharing, Inspiring, Promoting Bloggers: More Visitors & Community Support(
Facebook  The Recipe Hunter: Tried and Tested Recipes From Home Chefs Facebook @ShareCareAndInspire
Instagram   Pinterest
Twitter EsmeSalon  Twitter SundayMeetGreet
YouTube and Our Online Shop 

Kim and Esme will appreciate it should you subscribe to our Blogs.
If you subscribe to 
EsmeSalon you will receive the weekly  Newsletter!


Please help us to showcase your posts!  Share the Are you ready for #146 Senior Salon linkup with your friends!

The conclusion to this Are you ready for #146 Senior Salon session:

SP:  I am ready to work, I am ready for this job and I am ready for this challenge.  

Kim and Esmé:  Are you?

SP: I am nothing without the players.

Kim and Esmé:  I totally agree, without you in my wing, #Senisal will not be possible. Thank you for your support!

SP: I am doing the job with the mentality that I am going to be here a long time and I hope that I am.

Kim and Esmé:  My wish would be that we can continue this for many years to come!  Please help me to achieve this goal.

Stuart Pearce


Come fellow #SeniSal members, let’s make “Are you ready for #146 Senior Salon” a doozy and have lots of fun! 


Are you still looking for a planner for 2021 to help you stay on track?  Take a look at these Fantastic Planners.  

Work at Home Binder

6 x 9 Health Planner

6 x 9 Goal Setting Planner

6 x 9 Content Planner

6 x 9 Business Planner

My Blog Planner 2021

2021 Year at a Glance Calendar

Perpetual Birthday Calendar

Please check out the above links for more information on each of these Fantastic Planners


Hey, do not forget to share your 2 links at this Are you ready for #146 Senior Salon event!


You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog.

8 thoughts on “Are you Ready for #146 Senior Salon”

  1. I was able to get here to post, but several times I clicked on the link for the party and it brought me to your page but said ‘page not found.” That could be slowing up other posts. Thought you would want to know. I did share on my Facebook page. Blessings, Michele

    • Hi Michele, Thanks for your note. Yes, I saw that the post did not publish on time, and will investigate the issue today. Not sure what happened and I am sorry about that. THanks for sharing on FB


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