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InLinkz 223 Senior Salon Pit Stop

Please Spread the love, Sharing is Caring!

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Please note that EsmeSalon may have a financial relationship with some of the vendors we mention in this post which means we may get compensated financially or in kind, at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase through any link in this post. Please refer to our Affiliate Disclosure and Privacy Policy should you require any additional information.

How did your week go, hopefully, better than mine, as I had a rather disastrous and stressful week, but hey, this is a new week so come and share with us here at InLinkz 223 Senior Salon Pit Stop?

Senior Salon Pit Stop is now OPEN.

Let’s have fun, read, enjoy, comment, and share away!

Welcome and see you soon at this week’s

I need to apologize to you all! I am terribly sorry that I did not get to read any of the posts left in #222 Senior Salon Pit Stop. I received an email (legit) that I had a critical error on my site, and when I looked at my blog, I noticed all sorts of mayhem and I could not do anything for 3 full days. Needless to say, all my plans for this week flew out the window, never to be seen again.

I raised tickets with CloudWays (my host) as well as CleanTalk (spam protection), which were great and very supportive, and tried to help as best they could, but the main culprit (Elementor) does not provide support as I only use the free version. I tried to raise a ticket with them but could not get past the bot as they only provide support to paid customers. Needless to say, I am in the process of dumping them (as soon as possible), but still need it, for the time being, to update all my older posts to Gutenberg blocks, but I could not do anything. Now, what???

Long story short, I posted in a blogging group on FB to which I am connected, and a good Samaritan came to my rescue and resolved the issue within an hour! To make it even more sweet and spectacular, this blogger refused any compensation for her time and help! I just did a huge write-up in the group as to how she helped me out! This blogger is a genius WordPress Tech Support and off the bat said that she need to update the PHP version and once she did that, she fiddled a bit more, and then voila, all my headaches and anxiety vanished and after 3 days off the grid, I am back here with you all.

One last item to mention: Please read the newsletter, as I have some information there which I am not repeating here and am spilling some beans: Question and I hope to hear from you …

I will do my utmost best to revert to last week and read and share posts!

InLinkz 223 Senior Salon Pit Stop

Welcome to our InLinkz 223 Senior Salon Pit Stop

Linkup Party time: The doors will always open on Monday at 2 am PST
and the party ends on a Saturday at 2 pm PST (Vancouver BC Canadian time),
so this should give you sufficient time to drop a max of 3 links per blog!

Please remember, although the linkup will close at 2 pm on a Saturday afternoon, you can still visit those posts and leave a comment on any posts. I am sure that the author/blogger will appreciate it tremendously when they find your comment on a post and that you showed some love! If you wish to read some of the posts from last week, then please visit 222 Senior Salon Pit Stop. Thank you so much for your help and participation.

Our InLinkz 223 Senior Salon Pit Stop party ends Saturday, July 30, 2022, at 2 pm PST

Blogger of the week

Congratulations to Maria for this post: 10 Types Of Journals To Help Keep Your Life Organized and for being our blogger of the week.

Noteworthy items to mention …

You have heard me mention Tracie on more than one occasion. Well, I am back with her.

If you need help with Optin Templates or Selling your products, see her course Selling Simplified. I had the honor to review Selling Simplified and was on the Beta Team, and I can assure you, that it’s awesome. She’s covered so much and has so many examples and a batch of Canva Templates etc. which will help you immensely.

an image of hands holding an iPhone with a picture of a lady with a yellow top working on a laptop
InLinkz 223 Senior Salon Pit Stop

Senior Salon Pit Stop Pit Stop Crew

Julie Syl Kalugi from Julie & Pauli
Myself from Esme Salon

It will be highly appreciated if you would follow/like the Senior Salon Pit Stop Crew Members.

Would you be interested and keen to join us as a Crew Member? Please visit the Senior Salon Pit Stop for more details.

Will we see you this week – InLinkz 222 Senior Salon Pit Stop?

TOP 10 POSTS for the week here at the Pit Stop Linkup

What this – Grilled Cheese Sandwich You Need to Know

Reach out and touch somebody’s hand.

5 Reasons People Struggle with Bullet Journaling

Now the rest of the top 10 for this week

Thank you for checking out Julie’s posts

Thank you for checking out my posts

If you dropped your link early Monday morning, we urge you to return here to participate and read other posts. We need to share the love, as this is how we learn and grow together.


If you wish to read some of the posts from last week, then please visit 222 Senior Salon Pit Stop. Thank you so much for your help and participation.

Planners, Blogging eBooks, Affiliate Info, and Freebies

Do you shop online through Amazon?

AmazonEsmeSalon is a participant in the Amazon Program, and we are now registered for purchases from the United States.

If you occasionally do online shopping through Amazon, I will be grateful for your support using any of my links. Please take a look at any of the recipes on this blog. Either use a regular link or an image with the Buy from Amazon purple button. Thank you for your support and for using my links.

Conclusion to InLinkz Senior Salon Pit Stop

If you have any suggestions or comments, do not hesitate to get in touch. You can leave a comment here or if you prefer do not hesitate to drop me an email.

Do not forget to share the POST URL link, not your blog URL

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter
  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog. You will also find Resources and Courses and Services for Bloggers which I promote from time to time.

12 thoughts on “InLinkz 223 Senior Salon Pit Stop”

    • You’re very welcome and glad to be able to feature you in this way as well. When and if you do please keep me posted for future features. Thanks for being part of InLinkz party

  1. I’m so glad you found someone to help you out with the tech issues. I don’t know what’s worse, the problem or the tech support?! Thank you for including my 5 reasons people struggle with bullet journaling post and for hosting the party. Hopefully this week will be much smoother for you ❤️

    • Hi Maria. Thanks for your kind words. So far so good, so let’s cross our fingers that it will remain as such. I am so glad to have your post included. Well done.

  2. THANK YOU for choosing my Healthier Sweet & Sour Pork as one of your favorite Top Ten Posts last week! … and listening to the ordeal you went through with the blog(s), just makes us all appreciate you even more all the time and trouble it takes to bring us this linky party, plus all the other helpful posts and e-mails during the week ~ so THANK YOU for that too!

    • Hi Cindy, Thanks for your kind words. Last week was not fun, but fortunately, it’s sorted and I am now looking forward to a way more relaxed week. I am super happy to hear that you enjoy and love Linky.

    • Thanks Michele, yes its been a stressful week, but thank goodness for the Good Samaritan out there to come to my rescue. Heartwarming to still find people to pitch in and help out


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