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InLinkz 220 Senior Salon Pit Stop

Please Spread the love, Sharing is Caring!

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Please note that EsmeSalon may have a financial relationship with some of the vendors we mention in this post which means we may get compensated financially or in kind, at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase through any link in this post. Please refer to our Affiliate Disclosure and Privacy Policy should you require any additional information.

A new month, a new quarter, and a new InLinkz 220 Senior Salon Pit Stop, so let the fun begin and share your posts with us.

Senior Salon Pit Stop is now OPEN.

Let’s have fun, read, enjoy, comment, and share away!

Welcome and see you soon at this week’s

InLinkz 220 Senior Salon Pit Stop

Welcome to our InLinkz 220 Senior Salon Pit Stop

Linkup Party time: The doors will always open on Monday at 2 am PST
and the party ends on a Saturday at 2 pm PST (Vancouver BC Canadian time),
so this should give you sufficient time to drop a max of 3 links per blog!

Please remember, although the linkup will close at 2 pm on a Saturday afternoon, you can still visit those posts and leave a comment on any posts. I am sure that the author/blogger will appreciate it tremendously when they find your comment on a post and that you showed some love! If you wish to read some of the posts from last week, then please visit 219 Senior Salon Pit Stop. Thank you so much for your help and participation.

Our InLinkz 220 Senior Salon Pit Stop party ends Saturday, July 9, 2022, at 2 pm PST

Blogger of the week

Congratulations to Melynda for this post: Jessica’s Cheddar and Cut Corn Cornbread, savory, whole wheat, and delicious! and for being our blogger of the week.


We have now consolidated the two newsletters per week and condensed them so going forward you will only receive this one Monday Newsletter in your inbox. I hope this will help you, so (yeah) fewer emails for you!

The Blogger of the week (as above) will now be part of the Monday Newsletter.

The only time that you may (from time to time) see an additional newsletter from us would be if we have something outstanding, awesome and inspiring as well as time-sensitive to share with you all and feel you should know about it immediately.

Senior Salon Pit Stop Pit Stop Crew

Julie Syl Kalugi from Julie & Pauli
Myself from Esme Salon

It will be highly appreciated if you would follow/like the Senior Salon Pit Stop Crew Members.

Would you be interested and keen to join us as a Crew Member? Please visit the Senior Salon Pit Stop for more details.

Will we see you this week – InLinkz 220 Senior Salon Pit Stop?

TOP 10 POSTS for the week here at the Pit Stop Linkup

Song Lyric Sunday: You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet

Mid-Year Review Journaling Prompts & A Free Printable | July 2022

What to Do with Regret

Now the rest of the top 10 for this week

Thank you for checking out Julie’s posts

Thank you for checking out my posts

If you dropped your link early Monday morning, we urge you to return here to participate and read other posts. We need to share the love, as this is how we learn and grow together.


If you wish to read some of the posts from last week, then please visit 219 Senior Salon Pit Stop. Thank you so much for your help and participation.

Planners, Blogging eBooks, Affiliate Info, and Freebies

Do you shop online through Amazon?

AmazonEsmeSalon is a participant in the Amazon Program, and we are now registered for purchases from the United States.

If you occasionally do online shopping through Amazon, I will be grateful for your support using any of my links. Please take a look at any of the recipes on this blog. Either use a regular link or an image with the Buy from Amazon purple button. Thank you for your support and for using my links.

Conclusion to InLinkz Senior Salon Pit Stop

Please remember to drop us a comment and let us know your thoughts regarding

  • Check out #WordlessWedneday and come and join us.
  • If you do online shopping through Amazon, please help me out. This will mean a lot to me and keep me going and help me to continuously keep up with this Inlinkz and SSPS feature and pay the monthly fee for Inlinkz.

Do not forget to share the POST URL link, not your blog URL

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter
  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com ">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog. You will also find Resources and Courses and Services for Bloggers which I promote from time to time.

8 thoughts on “InLinkz 220 Senior Salon Pit Stop”

  1. Thank you so much for the blogger of the week feature, I sure appreciate being able to share my content and learn from others here at Senior Salon Pit Stop! Thank you for hosting.

    • Melynda – happy to feature you all and glad to have you as blogger of the week. Please will you be so kind as to get your own followers to also come and participate then we can read and share those posts as well and they can also be featured. Thanks in advance

    • Hi Maria Happy July 4th to you and hope you have a fun day. Glad to have you here and part of this weekly Linky and in the top 3 as well. Please share this news with your own followers and have them also come and start following and sharing then we have more posts to read and more eyes to see your posts.


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