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12 Awesome Christmas Recipes and Traditions

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Recipes for 12 Awesome Christmas Recipes and Traditions.

We all have our own favorites and traditions when it comes to cooking and baking for Christmas.  Today I will share with you 12 Awesome Christmas Recipes and Traditions in our family.  Some will be recipes, and others just traditions.

Now for 3 Christmas Traditions forming part of this 12 Awesome Christmas Recipes and Traditions

First, let’s start with our little Traditions:

  1. While our own kids were still young and in the house, we always had an evening when we set out to decorate the Christmas tree with handmade decorations, which they made at an ‘also traditional’ event at our Church.  We still have some of those ornaments they made since we came to Canada and that goes back more than 20 years ago.
  2. Once they got married and they had kiddos, then we started this tradition over again, and now the grandkids, come to decorate the Christmas tree. Unfortunately this year (2020)  this will not happen.
  3. At the beginning of December, and it’s usually, the first weekend of December, our daughter, and daughter-in-law together with all the grandkids (2 on each side) arrive at our home and armed with lots and lots of ingredients and oh so delicious recipes for cookies, from Gluten-free, Low Carb to Vegan and anything in between, and we will start the day with something to drink, to get us going.And I mean ‘coffee‘  Download Hot Coffee Emoji Icon | Emoji Island, neat and not spiked, just in case you thought differently and then we set out baking and will have a HUGE fun day!
    Puffs of flour may cloud the air from time to time (especially with the young ones, toddlers also doing their part and helping), busy preparing the dough, mixing and lending a hand, and we have lots of fun and laughter. At the end of the day, we usually end up with a table heavily laden with tons and tons of Christmas cookies, all shapes, and sizes, different vibrant colors, and wonderful flavors.  We then set out and will divide and share whatever we made throughout the day and everyone will be bone tired, after being on their feet for up to 10 hours, but happy and we have tons to share with other family and friends and use it as home-made edible gifts for friends.  I usually wrapped my share in small and beautiful gift bags, and while still working (up to the end of last year), handed them to my colleagues as gifts as a thank you for your support and hard work throughout the year and a Christmas/Festive treat.  Thankfully, all loved it and this year with my parting when I retired, I was reminded that they will look forward to it this year.  But, alas, with the situation and they all working from home still and we not having our bake day this year, I will have to give it a miss, and hopefully, once things settle we will be able to pick up this tradition again come next year.

and then 9 Awesome Christmas Recipes forming part of this 12 Awesome Christmas Recipes and Traditions

Now for some of the recipes that we have made over the years.

Mint Christmas Cake Roll

Christmas Fruit Cake with a Twist

4 Inch Christmas Fruit Cake with a Slight Twist

Christmas Glazed Ham

Baked and Glazed Ham

Vegan Christmas Appetizer Platter

Christmas Appetizer Platter for Vegans

Cloud 9 Christmas GF Sugar Biscuits

Cloud 9 Christmas GF Sugar Biscuits

Christmas Toffee Candy Crack

Christmas Toffee Candy Crack

A Variety of Christmas Baking Ideas

Christmas Baking Cookies

Vegan Christmas “Cake”

Vegan Christmas Cake

Rooibos Infused Christmas Fruit Cake

Christmas Fruit Cake

How do you as a family gather, and what do you do for Christmas in order to keep the old traditions and Christmas baking going?

Thank you to Peabody Amelia from our Facebook Group: Sharing, Inspiring, Promoting Bloggers taking the lead on this #12Christmas2020Things Christmas challenge.

We have a number of other SIPB members also participating so please visit them and check out their posts!

You Can Always Start Now 




Everyday PBJ

12 Awesome Christmas Recipes and Traditions
  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com ">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog. You will also find Resources and Courses and Services for Bloggers which I promote from time to time.

4 thoughts on “12 Awesome Christmas Recipes and Traditions”

  1. The recipes all sound so yummy! I may have to try to create some of them in my own kitchen! Thanks for sharing!
    XoXo ~ Brit


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